White & Yellow Pages app for iPhone and iPad
Do you need to find a business? What about a friend? We can help you with both. With all the offerings of the Yellow Pages combined with the access of the White Pages, this app turns your iPhone, iPod or iPad into a portable reference guide.
But wait! We do more than just refer you — we direct you. Use absolutely free turn-by-turn GPS voice navigation. You’ll never get lost again.
The Features You’ll Love:
• Access free, voice, turn-by-turn navigation
• Search listings with nothing more than the sound of your voice.
• Find local people by either their name or their landline phone number.
• Rate and review your favorite, and not-so-favorite, businesses.
• See menus and make reservations within the app.
• Visit business websites and see company descriptions.
• Discover coupons and discounts.
• Browse Showtimes’ movie trailers, descriptions, posters, ratings and movie times.
• Add business information to your contacts or “Favorites” category for quick and reliable access.
Have some feedback on how to make our app even better for you? Email us at support@avantar.com. We’d love to hear from you.
Like what you see? Discover more at avantar.com/products.
Fan Reviews
"Where were you all my life? LOL I dont know how I survived without it. Totally a time saver."
"I use it at least once a day and the information is always current. Ive never run into a business I get from this app that is not still in business. My life would be much more difficult without this app."
Pros and cons of White & Yellow Pages app for iPhone and iPad
White & Yellow Pages app good for
Its not perfect. But I travel a lot and its really handy. The map part isnt perfect. Often leads me to closed places. But it often works good.
I would like to give this app a rating of five because of its functionality, but is a blind user I find some of the labels quite in accurate. Well, maybe an accurate is a little bit harsh, but not completely intuitive. Also, if searching based on a telephone number and it happens to be a mobile phone number there are quite often no results available.
One feature I definitely like is the add the result of a search to my contacts - including the address for that of that contact.
I love this app. Use yellow pages so much especially when traveling. Very user friendly. I give it
Some information is out of date and you really have to search to find number
Any time I need a phone number Im able to find it easily and call the number right away. Good app.
This app is excellent if you want to find a business phone number. I use it all the time
Some bad moments
Was going to use the app to find a restaurant in another city. No way to set the location. It just wants to search my vicinity.
I have had zero success using this to find a business that is has a specific product, such as gutter repair, or covers. Zero stars.
Useless when trying to find an individual. It cant find them most of the time. Uninstalling the app.
Frustrating to use. Has improved, but is still not exactly user-friendly; it is still not as fast or easy to use as an actual alphabetical phone book, and Im not sure why. Its only advantage is that you (should) have access to any city, but even that is problematic. Too complicated.
You have to be100% accurate in your spelling. Not the least bit intuitive.
Unheard of in this day and age. Useful but not all the time so quite frustrating sometimes.
Ive tried to use this app several times, and it is just worthless.
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and other. So, download free White & Yellow Pages .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.